Catholic Audiobook: St. Bernard the Wonderworker




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Saint Bernard is known and loved throughout the world for many things: his holiness of life, his writings, his Marian devotion, and his numerous erections of monasteries.    Miracles were so common that the various chroniclers that would follow him around when he left the Monastery were unable to keep track of them all.

It is our hope that this audiobook will increase your devotion to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and that you are able to look on St Bernard not just as a great doctor of the Church, but as a wonderworker and a powerful heavenly friend.

Novena to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux:

It might be surprising to know that the illustrious St Bernard is a Spiritual Father to the ancient Order of the Knights Templar.  About 10 years after the founding of the ancient Order in Jerusalem, the original members (9 Knights) had failed to increase their number or develop themselves.  In 1128 they traveled to Rome with letters from the Patriarch of Jerusalem to ask the Pope for a Rule of life with a high Roman sanction.  The Pope who saw the importance of such an institution convoked a council at Troyes to examine the order and give it a form.  The council of Bishops were sympathetic to the Knights and asked St Bernard of Clairvaux to draw up a Rule of life for the Knights, which he did.  St Bernard in his youth had trained himself to become a knight and so was able to draw upon the chivalrous ideals and monastic fervor to craft a Rule that would lead to the perfecting of virtue for these warriors of God.
The Rule of the Modern Militia Templi is based off the ancient Rule, though adapted for modern times.
We invite you to join us in our novena to St Bernard of Clairvaux, that through his intercession before Christ our King, he might obtain for the Militia Templi a new Cardinal Protector, and that all Knights and Novices of the Militia Templi will strive diligently to follow the precepts of our Holy Rule.
Included below is a Novena prayer to St Bernard to be said in its entirety (all 5 parts) daily. There is also an article posted at our website about this Novena here  and there is an article on how to make a good novena (according to Saint Alphonsus) here.
Thank you very much for your prayers, and may St Bernard obtain abundant blessings from Christ for you!

Click on the Links Below to Listen to the Individual Chapters:

1. Early Miracles of St Bernard
2. Labors of St Bernard in Milan
3. More Miracles in Milan
4. The Crusades and St Bernard
5. Miracles at Christmastide
6. More Miracles on St Bernards Journey
7. The Failure of the Second Crusade
8. St Bernard Combats Heretics with the Hand of God

St Bernard of Clairvaux, pray for us!


Saint Bernard the wonder worker, excerpts from the Life and Times of Saint Bernard by Abbot Theodore Ratisbonne and Heroic Virtue: A Portion of the Treatise of Benedict XIV on the Beatification and Canonization of the Servants of God Volume III.

Graphic design used part of an image with a Creative Commons license here


About Alleluia Audio

Alleluia Audiobooks is an apostolate dedicated to the distribution of Catholic Material. It is recognized as a non profit corporation 501(c)3 and is entirely the effort of Catholic volunteers.

4 Responses to Catholic Audiobook: St. Bernard the Wonderworker

  1. Pingback: Coming Soon: The Great Advent Homilies of St Bernard Part 2 | Alleluia Audio Books

  2. Pingback: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Please Pray for the End of Catholic Pacifism! | The Stumbling Block

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