Tag: 19th Sunday After Pentecost

Short Catholic Homilies: Lying
October 7, 2012

These traditional Catholic sermons from the 1800s are very hard hitting.  Its nice to hear priests speak as fathers who value the souls of their children.
In this sermon, our homilist points out one of the basic tenets of our Faith : that you can never do evil that good might come of it.…

Transcript For: Short Catholic Homilies Lying
October 6, 2012

19th Sunday After Pentecost
Wherefore, putting away lying, speak ye the truth every man with his neighbor. Ephesians 4:25
Of all the vicious habits into which we are prone to fall, there is none more common, and none more miserable, mean, and contemptible, than this one of which the Apostle here speaks.
