Tag: The Desert Fathers

The Desert Fathers: Voluntary Poverty
November 25, 2012

Introduction and Disclaimer
These stories are taken from The Paradise or garden of the holy fathers which was compiled and translated by St Anthansius Archbishop of Alexandria, St Jerome, and others.  We are using a translation of these works by Ernest A Wallas.  

The Desert Fathers: Audiobooks, Sayings, Articles
November 25, 2012

What can we Learn from the Desert Fathers today?
We can learn what the Apostle of Rome learned. St Philip lived over 1000 years from the time of St Anthony the Great and St Paul of Thebes, yet in his cassock he always carried a copy of the writings of the Desert Fathers.[2] St Philip Neri, shortly before the feast of Pentecost, received the Holy Ghost in a superabundance (as a globe of fire) that enlarged his heart so much it physically broke his ribs and as his ribs healed to account for his oversized heart they formed a permanent arch.[1]
We can say that the Desert Fathers were an example to this great Saint whose heart literally burned with love for Jesus.
