Tag: Virgin Most Kind

Virgin Most Kind Credits
September 7, 2012

Transcript Sources
[1] Kumar, Anugrah. Virgin Mary Statue Guards House from Texas Wildfire The Christian Post September 10, 2011
[2]  Ave Mundi Spes Maria, Sequence for Saturdays of the Virgin Mary pre Council of Trent Source: http://www.ucatholic.com/videos/ave-mundi-spes-maria/
[3] The Glories of Mary by St Alphonsus Ligouri translated from the Italian  1888 New York : PJ Kenedy
Intro Music
Salve Regina Archives.Org CC1.0 Universal…
Graphics used from Wikimedia commons and modified.

Virgin Most Kind Transcript
September 7, 2012

Virgin Most Kind Transcript
O how holy, how serene, how kind, how pleasant the Virgin is believed to be!
Our Lord Jesus Christ is goodness itself, he is truth, light, mercy and kindness;   in his endless mercy he heals the sick, nourishes the hungry, and forgives sinners. …
