Tag: Humility

Catholic Audiobook: The Twelve Degrees of Pride and Humility by St. Bernard
August 17, 2014


Click to Download: The Twelve Degrees of Pride and Humility by St Bernard of Clairvaux

Humility makes a man great, while pride makes even angels hateful and odious.   If the devil can trick us into pride under the guise of humility we are in great danger of losing our souls, do not trust what the world says about true humility but rather the the wise and often time witty instructions of the great St Bernard.  

Seek Ye First the Kingdom The Life of St Celestine V: Part 6 The Resignation of St Celestine V
March 13, 2013

Pope St Celestine V: His Resignation, Exhortation and Humility

Chapter Summary
St Celestine V makes the decision to step down from the Papacy despite objections from Cardinals, Bishops and many laymen.
Behold, my brethren, I have resigned the honour of the Papacy; and now I implore you by the Blood of Jesus and by His Holy Mother, quickly to provide for the Church a man who will be useful for it, for the whole human race, and for the Holy Land.
