Tag: Transcript

Text of Short Catholic Homilies : The Catholic Home
January 12, 2013

This traditional catholic homily illustrates the holiness of Catholic home life. It uses the comparison of a Priest’s duty at the altar with the duty of the parents to show the sacredness and the seriousness of the obligation that spouses have to each other and their children.  

The Text for Short Catholic Homilies for Advent: The Fruits of Repentance
December 23, 2012

In this Traditional Catholic Sermon we are exhorted that after confessing our sins with sorrow we must make firm resolutions to avoid the life of sin. It encourages frequent confession and communion to bring forth the fruit of repentance and points out the burden which those who have found their joy in evil have in preserving in a sinless life.

Text For Short Catholic Homily: 2nd Week of Advent Cowardly Catholics
December 7, 2012

In this Traditional Catholic Sermon we speak of the virtue of St John the Baptist contrasted with that of a cowardly Catholic.  These “fair weather”  Catholics while practicing many virtues and avoiding sin will not defend the Honor of God and suffer immensely from the vice of human respect.  

Transcript for Be Wise as Serpents
September 20, 2012

Be Wise as Serpents…
The prudence of the world, mentioned by our Lord in the Gospel in the parable of the wicked servant, is often what is thought of first when the word “prudence” comes to mind.  It is characterized by someone who is clever and crafty, watching out for his own interests in serving his mistresses of the world, the flesh and the devil.  

Virgin Most Kind Transcript
September 7, 2012

Virgin Most Kind Transcript
O how holy, how serene, how kind, how pleasant the Virgin is believed to be!
Our Lord Jesus Christ is goodness itself, he is truth, light, mercy and kindness;   in his endless mercy he heals the sick, nourishes the hungry, and forgives sinners. …
