Category: Prayers

Short Catholic Homily : 2nd Week of Advent Cowardly Catholics
December 7, 2012

Catholic Sermon

Summary of Homily
St John the Baptist was praised by Jesus Christ our Lord for not yielding to human respect and preaching the truth.  The homilist points out that if our Lord came back today he would not find this same virtue even among those who are considered “good Christians.”  Our salvation depends on bearing witness to Christ.

Short Catholic Homily : 1st Week of Advent St John the Baptist
December 3, 2012

Catholic Sermon

Sermon Summary
In this short traditional Catholic homily we learn about the virtuous parents of St John the Baptist.  We consider St John the Baptists remarkable virtues and receive an exhortation to take him as an intercessor in removing the obstacles in our life to Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer of St Francis Xavier: My God I Love Thee
December 1, 2012

Prayer attributed to St. Francis Xavier, S. J.
My God I love Thee! Not the crown of glory to attain. Nor do I love, my dearest Lord, Through servile fear of pain.  I see the nails, the lance, the cross.…
