Catholic Homilies: On the Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost and the Primitive Church


 Click Here to Download: Homilies of Thomas A Kempis For Easter through Pentecost


Be taught by the Venerable Thomas A Kempis, the author of the Imitation of Christ on how to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord as one should with devotion and exaltation.    The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis is the largest read devotional book in the world next to the bible, and no book has been translated into more languages than the Imitation of Christ.

In these homilies you will learn a holy and unique perspective that seems to have been forgotten today such as:

  1. How one is is to rejoice with others during the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ.
  2. How Christ Visits us in time of distress and comforts us after we weep first.
  3. How to obtain heavenly sweetness and consolation of the spirit and what obstructs it.
  4. Christs example of Charity when he called his Apostles his brethren rather than admonishing them for their cowardice.
  5. Pentecost and why devout prayer is more important than great learning to be made wise.
  6. Why their are so few holy men, and why God mingles the evil with the good in the Church.

Find more of the Works of Thomas A Kempis by clicking here. 


Sources: This audiobook is a recording of Homilies from The Works of Thomas A Kempis Vol IV translated by Dom Vincent Scully and is in the Public domain.    The CD covers was designed with the following images from wikipedia commons:

Andreas F. Borchert [CC BY-SA 3.0 de (, CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons


About Alleluia Audio

Alleluia Audiobooks is an apostolate dedicated to the distribution of Catholic Material. It is recognized as a non profit corporation 501(c)3 and is entirely the effort of Catholic volunteers.

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