Catholic Homily For Epiphany: Following God’s Guidance
Summary of Homily
This homily explains how to become like little Children in our relationship with God. It explains how prayer is the means of spending time with God, listening to his every word in the depths of our heart in silence, the holy scriptures and the councils of the Saints and perfected, the importance of behaving in the same manner that God does, and obedience to our lawful superiors.
When we meet with cruel treatment from others, with ingratitude and base in justice from those we love, we must
say at once, How does God treat those who do these things? How does he treat me, notwithstanding my many, many sins? I shall go and do to these bad people as he has done to me. I shall even bless them, as he has blessed me. Transcipt
Spiritual Childhood is not childs play! It is sad when you encounter someone who thinks the sum of perfection is picking up a tissue off the ground or not eating sweets with every meal. To follow all the councils in this Homily is rather the work that a person should be doing to try to obtain the grace of spiritual childhood.
The grace of spiritual childhood could best be described as a lively faith that sees all the circumstances as our life as being directly controlled by our loving Father in heaven, and confidence that no matter what happens to us in our life that his will is what is best for us. What fruit is constantly given through this grace? Some of the fruit from this grace: patience in suffering, gratitude and thankfulness, confident prayer, docility and humility. This grace is one of the many graces that we receive on our way to the great final grace of final perseverance. Our Lord puts a high importance on this childhood and connects it directly to our salvation.
Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
Seek and you shall find.
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Music used under attribution license
Palestrina – Gloria – Missa Sicut lilium inter spinas to The Tudor Consort
Image edited by Alleluia Audio Books from this Image in the Public Domain
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