Tag: Short Sermons

Short Catholic Homilies: Reverence for the Holy Name of God
January 20, 2013

Catholic Homily: Reverence for the Holy Name of God

Summary of Catholic Homily
In this homily we first consider that even wretched sinners keep up appearances with God by practicing one of two good things (like abstaining from meat on Friday) or avoiding some particular sin.  

Short Catholic Homilies for Epiphany: Following God’s Guidance
January 6, 2013

Catholic Homily For Epiphany: Following God’s Guidance

Summary of Homily
This homily explains how to become like little Children in our relationship with God.  It explains how prayer is the means of spending time with God, listening to his every word in the depths of our heart in silence, the holy scriptures and the councils of the Saints and perfected, the importance of behaving in the same manner that God does, and obedience to our lawful superiors.

Short Catholic Homily : 2nd Week of Advent Cowardly Catholics
December 7, 2012

Catholic Sermon

Summary of Homily
St John the Baptist was praised by Jesus Christ our Lord for not yielding to human respect and preaching the truth.  The homilist points out that if our Lord came back today he would not find this same virtue even among those who are considered “good Christians.”  Our salvation depends on bearing witness to Christ.

Short Catholic Homilies : Help the Poor Souls in Purgatory
October 28, 2012

Praying for the dead is one of the 7 spiritual works of mercy.

We lose nothing, dear brethren, by praying for them; be assured we are rather the gainers, for not only do they pray for us, but more— our charity towards them deepens in our souls our love for God, and makes us thirst the more after virtue and holiness, and wins for us a higher place in heaven and a brighter crown of everlasting glory.…

Short Catholic Homilies: The Value of Time
October 14, 2012

We have no time to waste!
“Brethren, some day we shall want all this time that we are now wasting. Then it will stand out before us in its true value; we shall see that it should have been redeemed, and that it is now irredeemable.”  Transcript…
Being “busy” and redeeming the time can be two separate things. 
