Tag: Advent

The Text for Short Catholic Homilies for Advent: The Fruits of Repentance
December 23, 2012

In this Traditional Catholic Sermon we are exhorted that after confessing our sins with sorrow we must make firm resolutions to avoid the life of sin. It encourages frequent confession and communion to bring forth the fruit of repentance and points out the burden which those who have found their joy in evil have in preserving in a sinless life.

Short Catholic Homily : 2nd Week of Advent Cowardly Catholics
December 7, 2012

Catholic Sermon

Summary of Homily
St John the Baptist was praised by Jesus Christ our Lord for not yielding to human respect and preaching the truth.  The homilist points out that if our Lord came back today he would not find this same virtue even among those who are considered “good Christians.”  Our salvation depends on bearing witness to Christ.

Text For Short Catholic Homily: 2nd Week of Advent Cowardly Catholics
December 7, 2012

In this Traditional Catholic Sermon we speak of the virtue of St John the Baptist contrasted with that of a cowardly Catholic.  These “fair weather”  Catholics while practicing many virtues and avoiding sin will not defend the Honor of God and suffer immensely from the vice of human respect.  

Short Catholic Homily : 1st Week of Advent St John the Baptist
December 3, 2012

Catholic Sermon

Sermon Summary
In this short traditional Catholic homily we learn about the virtuous parents of St John the Baptist.  We consider St John the Baptists remarkable virtues and receive an exhortation to take him as an intercessor in removing the obstacles in our life to Jesus Christ our Lord.
